Our Philosophy & Objectives


Pendulum Supported Living envisions a community that goes beyond simply accepting everyone for who they are especially those we support some of whom will have had difficult experiences and therefore requiring care and support to empower them to reclaim some of their functionalities and self-esteem. We see ourselves as agents for good care and are always willing to play our part through supporting and empowering them individually to gain full control of their lives to be able to function at least at optimum level if not completely reintegrate back into the community. We look to achieve this by actions detailed below which form the core of our philosophy:

  • Maintain and, if possible, improve a service user’s quality of life.
  • Encourage service users to maintain links with the community.
  • Uphold openness and honesty in our practices as well as duties under legal frameworks governing the services we provide – CQC, MHA, MCA and DOLs.
  • Involve service user’s and, if they wish, their families and friends, in all matters concerning their health and welfare.
  • Provide short stay trials as an introduction to our facility and, as a help for carers.
  • Provide continual assessment to ensure that individual needs continue to be met


  • To provide a friendly, caring and supportive environment which service users will feel happy, secure and at home in.
  • Quality care is delivered by a dedicated team of professional carers irrespective of the service users’ financial status, sex, race, disability or any other factors.
  • To meet each individual needs wherever practicable and listen when they want to be heard.
  • To offer holiday or respite breaks, to enable carers and significant others to gain some much needed relief.
  • To maintain dignity, privacy and independence of service users.
  • To encourage achievement and promote self-esteem.


  • Provide 24 hour caring service within a homely environment
  • Support and encourage service users to make informed choices about their own care and decisions regarding the day-to-day running of the home.
  • Organise our service in a manner that demonstrates respect for individual’s rights, promotes individuality and acknowledges the need for privacy.
  • Provide training and/or professional development for all staff.
  • Investigate all complaints, taking the appropriate action to ensure that standards are maintained.
  • Provide exceptionally safe and clean facilities for service users that go beyond just meeting legal standards.